Book Recommendations

..Cartoon Librarian with Word Goals Written Above her Head2023-2024 Reading Goals ... Have you set them?

A new calendar year means a time to set new goals for lots of different things, including reading! Do you set goals for yourself for reading? No? Consider this... Goals are a way we push ourselves to do better, right? Goals can be anything ... do more pushups, make better grades, learn how to play an instrument, or just improve on cleaning our rooms. When you challenge yourself to read, you are helping with your overall academic life. The more you read, the better vocabulary you have, the better stamina you gain, and the more exposure to the world you see. Research has proven that reading improves every aspect of academic life! So challenge yourself to read more, even if it is just one more

book or reading a book at all. Smile Emoji with Thumbs up Go beyond your normal. Aiming at nothing gets you

nothing. 100 Percent Emoji So what do you have to lose? My goal for the year is 15 books by December. You can watch my progress here

Stop by the library and share your reading goals with me.!


Heartless by Marissa Meyer

**Lone Star Reading List 2018

Lady Catherine longed to be normal, to be a baker, to have her own bakery. But her title interfered with her dream, and her mother was determined she married into royalty. Along comes Jest, the joker. He immediately captures her heart, but the kingdom of Hearts is going through troubling times. The long-feared Jabberwock has returned to terrorize the kingdom. Lady Catherine, Jest, and others join together to fight the monster and save Hearts, so love and baking must be put on hold. Will she have her happy ending? Will her fairytale come true?

"Chesire's yellow eyes slit as he held her gaze for one beat, two. Then he began to unravel from the tip of his tail, a slow, unwinding of his stripes. 'These things do not happen in dreams, dear girl,' he said, vanishing up to his neck. They happen only in nightmares.'"

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